Friday, August 28, 2009


Driving home yesteday, I started from the beginning and said the Rime right through to my latest verse:

The coming wind did roar more loud,
It shook the sails like sedge;

The rain poured down from one black cloud,

The moon was at its edge.

Some parts were very fluent, and in others there were gaps and hesitations. Once or twice the thread frayed entirely and I had to cobble a 'mutter mutter' bridge across the gap.

I enjoy the cadences and all the variations of emphasis and intonation which are different every time.

My thoughts linger on word choices... sails like sedge. This recitation is a form of 'staying with', there is a faithfulness in it. My brain seems less flighty these days.

I am back from a few days at Rainbow Beach where I saw this sunrise at the Carlo Sandblow. The sun rose under this bank of thick black cloud. But it didn't rain.

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